Now Playing

The 'Now Playing' queue shows all Tracks that are in line to be played, with the currently playing Track appearing in bold. See Playing Audio Tracks for more details about adding/removing Tracks from the queue.

The Now Playing queue can also be viewed in several different ways:

  1. As a node in the MediaMonkey Explorer tree
  2. As a dialog in the MediaMonkey Explorer panel (enabled via View > Now Playing). This is far more useful since it allows the queue to be seen even when another node is selected, allows Tracks to be dragged/dropped into the queue, and provides a simple means of saving the queue as a Playlist.
  3. In minimized mode. This allows you to minimize MediaMonkey to the Now Playing dialog so that you can listen to Tracks with MediaMonkey without it taking over your desktop. This is enabled by clicking the minimize to Now Playing button in the upper right corner or by setting Minimize to Now Playing as described in General Configuration

Whenever MediaMonkey has been minimized to the Now Playing window, the Minimize button will minimize it to the system tray, the maximize button will switch back to the main window, and the close button will simply close it (without closing MediaMonkey).